Saturday 31 January 2009

Sweetheart Top #2 *Jalie 2794

Another Jalie 2794 Sweetheart Top.
I raised the neckline by 1-1/4", and this is a much better fit for me.
This is such a pretty top and fits very nicely.
I'm thrilled with the fit and I'm thinking of making another one already!
I will wear the #1 Sweetheart Top, with a camisole, however this one will be my TNT Pattern.

Wednesday 28 January 2009

Deer - in Our Back Yard!

These friendly deer have been visiting our back yard lately.....but only to eat our hedges and the bird food!!
I was quick enough today to get a picture of them before they ran off :)
Click on image to in large

Tuesday 27 January 2009

Sweetheart Top #1 * Jalie 2794

I have been wanting to make this top for as long as the pattern has been out (2007) and now that I have - I love it! It is such a pretty top.
There are so many wonderful reviews written up at Pattern Review on this top and I think I've had the same success as everyone else who has made it. For my first one I wanted to see how the fit would be without alterations to the pattern, so I didn't make any- (other than making full length sleeves). Many reviewed that the neckline was low. I figured that would be an issue for me too. I'm thrilled to say, that this is the "only" change I will make, is in the neckline, as I do find it somewhat low. I am very happy with the overall fit of this top, ( l will post a picture wearing it).
I plan on making another one as soon as I finish this post and I will raise the neckline.
The fabric I used is a knit I bought at Tissus Claudiany in Quebec. (Does it look familiar?)
I'm sure you have all seen the Sewing Article: "Best Patterns for 2008" by Diane Egelston at Pattern Review. It's a very interesting article.
2794 was the # 1 Pattern!

Sunday 25 January 2009

Kreativ Blogger - Award

This Kreativ Blogger Award has been making it's way around and so many deserving people have received it. Alviana and Aminat nominated my blog! Thank you so very much Alviana and Aminat. I appreciate this very much! I visit so many wonderful blogs and I enjoy every single one that is on my side bar and then + some. These are the ones I'd like to nominate this Award to.
and I' d love to just keep on going..............
These are the Rules and Responsibilities--
1. Copy the award to your site.
2. Link to the person from whom you received the award.
3. Nominate 7 other bloggers.
4. Link to those on your blog.
5. Leave a message on the blogs you nominated.

MacPhee # 420

My first project of the year was this fleece jacket for my husband Bill.
I made it the first week of January, but just did not have the time to post till now.
The Pattern is MacPhee # 420 -No Sweat Shirt. I used red/white fleece, which I bought on line from MacPhee Workshop - Edmonton. I made the full zip front with side inseam pockets. Bill didn't want the maple leaf applique sewn on the front or back of his jacket.. It is unlined and to finish the seam allowances, I serged them......very easy and quick.
I've made this jacket many times before. I've made the pullover variation and the full zip front variation and every time it turns out perfect. The jacket is casual and very comfortable.
Overall it's really just a nice, simple pattern, no surprises and easy to follow instructions.