Tuesday 1 April 2008

Neue Mode Patterns * Part 2 *

I received my order today :) I am very pleased with the patterns. However.... The only one that was out of stock was the one I really wanted - 22471. I'll just keep checking to see if they will get more.
Briefly browsing thru the patterns I noticed that the instuctions are booklet style, approx 7 1/2" by 5". My initial thought was -WOW- this is great, no huge pages, very convenient. I'll see if that is how I feel once I start sewing them up. Hopefully there is enough information on these smaller sheets - but I'm really not too concerned. They all seem quite straight foward.
For the interfacing, for all the patterns that require it, they do use a specific brand that I have never heard of. It is "Vilene" interfacing. Has any one used this interfacing and what brand is it comparable to? (It is a sew in interfacing).
(When I finish my blog posting, if there's time, I'll do a little surfing to see if I can find answers too :)
Also there are letters beside the pattern number. Does anyone know what they stand for
S -M -V. (you can see on picture above).
I'm very anxious to get started on some of these patterns, but first I must finish my Jacket,V8043.
Progress is slow but I'm hoping to have it done this week.


Vicki said...

Vilene is Freudenberg brand. Just google up Vilene. They make all types of interfacing. In the old days it was called Vilene and was very stiff.

Cennetta said...

I compare patterns of similar types or styles. Then substitute when suggested notions that are unfamiliar to me.

Sigrid said...

I think the letters stand for a certain series of patterns, and have no reference to a size or anything you should be aware of before using the pattern.

Ann Made Studio said...

Thank you Vicki,Cennetta and Sigrid. I am off to google now :)

BCN - UNIQUE designer patterns said...

Ohhh. Ann .- All patterns are pretty even notice that there are models for men. I love the coat 23215. Greetings and see you soon. Paco

Anonymous said...

We must have the same taste! We ordered quite a few of the same patterns. Keep in mind that flat pattern measurement is a must. I have found this brand to run a little large in their sizing.

Patricia said...

I have heard that the Freudenburg product is called Pellon for the home market in Canada. Vilene is not a weight or a type, but the brand. I would suggest just to use your own discretion.

Ann Made Studio said...

Thank you MaryPat, I'm not sure what brand I buy now, I'll check next time I buy it, but I belive it's Pellon. Whatever it is I like it and will use that:) I can buy it locally so that is easier too ;)