My husband and I took turns getting the cold that was going around - and it was such a nasty one. It seemed to take every bit of energy I had. I still am not my 100% well self, but feel so much better than the past few weeks. Plus throw in a little family matter.....plus a very very busy time at work - with not being able to take time off - and well there it is - a whole month has gone by. Winter like this cold is just hanging on and just doesn't want to go. I'm really ready for some sunshine and warmth :)
It's time to see this.............. ..No more of this * even if it is beautiful *
Pictures are from my home town web site.
These pictures are taken at my in laws house. They live in the same province, but 4 hrs away! They have gotten way too much snow!
Images - Moments in Time
I am so happy I am feeling better. I plan on getting back to work on my Vogue 8043 Jacket that I started, weeeeeks ago. It is all cut out and just waiting to be put together. It always seems that all is right when "something" with sewing is being done.
I did buy some fabric from Julie.(Timmel Fabrics). One of the fabrics is a Jersey knit - turquoise colour. It is such a beautiful colour and I plan on making a Jalie sweetheart top with it. I never wear red but when I saw this fabric, I loved the embroidery design and thought it would make such a cute sleeveless shirt.....maybe this one? View B or this one? Something simple in design but nice. The fabric is a nice light weight cotton and might also make a comfy summer pj?
Have a wonderful Easter!