**** For Ella ****

Lady and the Tramp was my daughters favorite movie when she was younger ~ my husband and I grew pretty fond of it ourselves. Every week end we would take her to the video store and and one of her treats was to choose any movie to rent......she would look at all the movie boxes and then always chose Lady and the Tramp. So we watched this movie a gazillion billion + times.....and we never ever tired of watching it with her....now I want to introduce Ella to it.
I hope she likes it too.
I hope she likes it too.
I've been looking for this DVD locally but couldn't find one ~ I just now thought of looking on ebay ~ and of course found one :)
I have been doing "some" sewing.
I made curtains for the dining room and kitchen. The print of the fabric wasn't exactly what I wanted but
it had the colors I wanted.
I will post a picture of the curtains ~ I'm very pleased with them.
I also started the muslin for my Angela dress ~ using McCall's 6027.
I'm still working out some fitting/size issues but overall I am happy with the dress.
Have a wonderful week end!

I have been doing "some" sewing.
I made curtains for the dining room and kitchen. The print of the fabric wasn't exactly what I wanted but
it had the colors I wanted.
I will post a picture of the curtains ~ I'm very pleased with them.
I also started the muslin for my Angela dress ~ using McCall's 6027.
I'm still working out some fitting/size issues but overall I am happy with the dress.
Have a wonderful week end!