.....................on Monday!
We have been so busy the last few months selling our house and buying another one - and now our moving day is finally almost here.

Even Bradley wants in on the fun.

....not sure where I found this dog running away picture....
All is packed and waiting for the truck. One of the biggest packing jobs I (we) had was "my" sewing room.
I knew I had allot of "stuff" but this move is truly confirming this fact. Our new house does not have a sewing room ""yet" but my husband will make one as soon as he can. He assures me it will not be long.
I definitely have not been sewing for the last couple of months (well one quick skirt) but I have been enjoying reading my favorite blogs, and then more. So for a few more weeks there will be no sewing. I am so very anxious to get settled in so everything can get back to normal.I received my Claire Shaeffer CD this week and I have not had time to even look at it, but when I do I'll report back :)
I hope you are all having a great summer.