Tuesday 13 May 2014

I am still here....just like many...sew busy :)

.....But I am still here....busy as always.
Once in awhile I  drop in on some of my favourite  blogs and catch up,
 and now and then I even get  a comment, or two, in.  

I am hoping to have some garments made up
next week and then get back to posting on my blog.
Something I've truly missed! 

I have been enjoying a Crafsty class on Pattern Drafting Basics,The Sloper, by Suzy Furrer.
I purchased her pattern drafting book and so far it looks like it will
be a very useful book.

So many things I want to sew. 
Hope you are all having a great time sewing!!

1 comment:

Diana said...

Hi Ann. I 've bought several Craftsy classes and can't seem to sit loong enough to watch them through!
My sewing class ( just 3 students) have decided they want to all sew the Sandra Betzina jacket from my last post. It will be fun to see how they do. It isn't really hard and doesn't take long to make. It's what I would consider a quick sew!