**** For Ella ****

Lady and the Tramp was my daughters favorite movie when she was younger ~ my husband and I grew pretty fond of it ourselves. Every week end we would take her to the video store and and one of her treats was to choose any movie to rent......she would look at all the movie boxes and then always chose Lady and the Tramp. So we watched this movie a gazillion billion + times.....and we never ever tired of watching it with her....now I want to introduce Ella to it.
I hope she likes it too.
I hope she likes it too.
I've been looking for this DVD locally but couldn't find one ~ I just now thought of looking on ebay ~ and of course found one :)
I have been doing "some" sewing.
I made curtains for the dining room and kitchen. The print of the fabric wasn't exactly what I wanted but
it had the colors I wanted.
I will post a picture of the curtains ~ I'm very pleased with them.
I also started the muslin for my Angela dress ~ using McCall's 6027.
I'm still working out some fitting/size issues but overall I am happy with the dress.
Have a wonderful week end!

I have been doing "some" sewing.
I made curtains for the dining room and kitchen. The print of the fabric wasn't exactly what I wanted but
it had the colors I wanted.
I will post a picture of the curtains ~ I'm very pleased with them.
I also started the muslin for my Angela dress ~ using McCall's 6027.
I'm still working out some fitting/size issues but overall I am happy with the dress.
Have a wonderful week end!

I can't wait to see the Angela dress, so sweet of her to locate the fabric, no?
And I would love to see your cross-stitches posted here, please do! You are so right about the memories bound up in them...
Funny about the movie, my children used to want the same movies over and over and over and over... I could probably recite Aladdin word for word if required...!
I'm always looking for the older classic movies and books for my little grandsons. I like the old Golden books--Three Pigs, Goldilocks., etc. Amazing how pricey they are!
I find all my classic films in a used goods store, and there is no store where you live? please put your pictures of the progress of yours dress.
Oh how nice, she will love it for sure. Ella loves "doggies" and "puppies"! I will even watch it because I still love lady and the tramp. What a thoughtful idea Mommmy :) :)
You know I have never seen Lady and the Tramp for some reason. Now that I have grandkids I have a good reason to see it - with them :)
You have done more sewing than me. Since the hot weather has arrived I have done very little.
Oh Ann,I can tell you are enjoying being a "grammie".I once bought Snow White for my two grandchildren and while watching,they admonished me for showing them a "scary" movie.
Can't wait to see your Angela dress!!
Oh I love Lady and the Tramp - one of my favorites. Enjoy introducing your lovely granddaughter to it. g
Next weekend my 2nd daughter and I are making curtains for her room at college, in her first (shared) apt. Her father asked her why we're making instead of buying curtains, and she chirped, "Oh, Daddy, 'cause that's what me and Momma do!" I really also need to redo the drapes in the family room, but that's been on the "to do" list about 3 years now.
I love that movie too, Ann!
I really look forward for the curtain and angela dress. Good luck! :)
I love that movie.
I made my first pajama shorts. I actually made two. I wear them to bed every night. I am so happy with them. I should probably make some pants soon as it the weather will start getting cold. Hope you'll come take a look. By the way, I am turning 10 this weekend.
Just stopped by, hope all is well with you.
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