Skirt Front
My fabric is a light weight jean fabric with some stretch, and I'm thinking I should have made the skirt a touch smaller to accommodate for the stretch..... I have a feeling by the end of the day it may be somewhat loose. We'll just have to see!
Inside Back Yoke - label & yoke seam detail
Invisible Zipper

Once I finish the Jalie top I will post a picture of the outfit.
Taking pictures to post on a blog sounds easy enough - doesn't it? Not so...not always....not for me!
I have to say I have allot of respect for people who take pictures of their garments and they look "so" professional. ....whether they are on their forms or they are wearing them.... trying to get everything right is just not as easy as it may appear.... again to me!
I must take 50 pictures to get one right. Now I'm curious, am I too fussy or do you all go through this to get your pictures up on your blog???
Have a great week!
I love your skirt!!! I am wanting a demin pencil skirt soooooooo bad!
I take a good number of pics but most times I can get it right the first few times. Now watch since I've said that I'll have to take a ton to get it right lol.
Gorgeous skirt Ann! And to answer your question...I take a million pictures and still look like a goober!
Ann-- being a skirtaholic..I love this skirt. Your topstitching is perfect! Nice job.
Great skirt! Your work is always perfect. Love the embroidered name and pattern number. I take lousy pictures. And, I don't have the patience to work with the camera.
Awesome skirt.
WOW! I love, love, love your skirt! You did an awesome job!
Great Skirt ! Nope, pics are a pain. DH takes a bunch and I pick from what's available. It doesn't help that I HATE having my picture taken LOL :-)
This is a great, great, great skirt... nice ! For the pictures, having a professional photographer at home, I developed this totally paranoia, you do not want to know how much time I spend taking picture or correcting them on photoshop ;-) that means correcting colours, taking off electric plugs and switches and so forth. You are in my club ! ;-)
Beautiful, and the topstitching is perfect. I dread taking pictures and if wasn't for PR and my blog I would never do it. But I love other people's pictures :))) so thank you :))
Ann, I take a TON of photos to get one half-way decent shot.
Love that skirt! Hope it wears to your satisfaction.
What a beautiful skirt. i love the topstitch. looks very slimming indeed.
for me, since i dont have a foam, i always wearing it. and when i dont have anyone to take my pics, i always use self-timer setting. i took a lot of pics too since most of it dont help me to look good. its a very tiring process to me.
A very simple and casual skirt. Looks fantastic with a classic blaser/Jacket.
The skirt is Very Nice!!!
Me, I'm good if I can get someone in the family to snap two pictures...and I just use the one that looks the better of the two.
No fashion photography awards for me, either! ;)
That is one awesome skirt! As far as photos go, I take the majority of the non-modeled photos - pictures of things and clothing on a dressform. My photography crew takes the rest. I can be picky about pictures, because they are a big part of my blog and can communicate more about me and my projects than I could ever type. I usually take 2 or 3 shots of everything with lighting/flash changes and delete what I don't want right on the camera. With the photography crew, this can take some time. They are getting better, because they know what mom wants. In all fairness, though, they do take pretty good photos and both have had photos published in print. Of course, I didn't tell the publisher that a 6 year old (he was 6 at the time!) took the picture.
Wow! I love the topstitching on that skirt. It's fantastic.
ADORABLE!!! Perfect craftsmanship!
Very, very nice detail and very nice match job on that zipper. It makes a very effective look - just the sort of thing I love to see exhibited!
Hi Ann. I got back from Vancouver last night late and am getting caught up on all my favorite blogs. Your skirt is perfect! It is professional period. Yes you are too fussy about your photos but I know what you mean. The camera does pick up every little piece of dust and every wrinkle.That is so frustrating!
I love how you embroidered the pattern info on the facing. So clever.
Ann, I love the skirt. Your excellent workmanship shows!! I love the embroidery on the back inside yoke. As for pictures, I know I should take more and learn to work in photoshop. Right now, DH takes several pictures. I just choose the best of the lot as I don't want to ask him again. I'm camera shy but starting to get used to it.
Perfect little skirt. Love it. BTW- I've nominated you for the Attitude of Gratitude Award.
Your skirt is so cute. I hope it works out after wearing because it would be such a shame to put this one in the back of the closet.
I probably should take more pictures because they don't always turn out well, but considering my photographer is my 15yo son or the timer most of thetime, I do what I can.
I really like the skirt. Great in denim with all the topstitching. I actully think I have this pattern.
The skirt is gorgeous. I love the top stitching and the matching job on the zipper in enviable!
Your photos always look good, so maybe you are doing something right.
Lovely skirt and like the topstitching detail. Most of the time my brothers takes my photos and we have to take several before we get right. I'm looking for a camera remote to aid me in taking photos. When I have to take photos solo, I spend a lot of time running to beat the timer...lol
Hi Ann .- finally a little time to visit and admire this skirt. simple and truly beautiful. ahhh ... photos, I think today was my worst day. dozens of photos to have one.
greetings, Paco
I love this skirt. As for blog pictures, I've given up caring how stupid I look these days. Most of mine are taken on my dummy, but when I have taken ones of myself I always manage to capture a really unfortunate angle and make myself look a weird shape.
Your skirt is just gorgeous, I am so impressed by the finitions!
This is a nice skirt Ann, done so well! I like the Label you've embroidered reminding the pattern number :)
Hi Ann- I love this skirt...so cute for summer & beautifully sewn ☺
Lovely skirt, and excellent finishings! all stichtes perfecly matching.
Hi Ann
Gorgeous skirt.
What thread and needle did you use for the topstitching? Do you change tension? Mine never looks this good.
Just love this skirt !
(and I take a LOT of pics before I finally get one with just the right angle, lighting, etc !)
Ann, thank you so much for the blog award. I think your skirt and the amazing jacket from your last post are just gorgeous. I have the same problems with photos and lighting, it really holds up my blog posts sometimes, but pictures are definitely worth a thousand words so I will persevere!
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