I have been going thru my Patterns and sorting them out.
Basically re-organizing them in order by Company and pattern number. I came across 3 older Jalie patterns. My sister had discovered Jalie patterns when she started sewing in the 80's. Of course I had to buy some too.
This Polo Shirt # 2941 A, is copyright 1983.

These other two are 1986. I'm thinking I bought these patterns- maybe late 80's because 2941-A is size Newborn to 3X. My daughter was born in 1985.

Jalie 2924B size 4-16 ............................ ..................................................Jalie 2924C-size 24-42
If you use Jalie patterns, what is your oldest pattern?
Hi Ann. Isn't it fun to go back in time like that? Fourteen years ago, I was selling my house to start a new life with Bob, who was to become my second husband. He would come over to help me clean out my stuff. In the attic, I had stored every pattern I had ever bought. Do you want to know what I did with them??? I threw them out. Now isn't that just plain stupid of me? I've been kicking myself ever since.
Diana I can't believe you threw them all out. What a shame! I can see why you would surely miss them.Well I'm sure you have since then made up a nice collection :) I have never been able to throw any of them out! I guess though that one day I will "have" to do a little house pattern cleaning! or I would imagine the patterns will just take over a sewing room.
Ann .- because I have never used these patterns. I love the design of the first pattern, plus any one of them is useful at present. The patterns older than I am, Burda patterns are some of my aunts who sew them in France. And the first ones I bought were a few magazines in the coming designers patterns, in the seventies.
I hope that all is well for you. I, as lately, always busy ........ My best wishes and see you soon.
Paco, nice to hear from you.
I only started sewing in the 80's, so it must be fun for you to go thru all the years of patterns you have, and your aunts. Do you still use some of the 70's patterns? Styles do keep coming back :)
Have a great week!
I've never used Jalie patterns, but I have seen several styles for tops that I would like to try.
Ann, I didn't know Jalie patterns existed. Well I must say I quite new, I started sewing like 4-5 years ago on a regular basis and by that time I knew only about Burda and Vogue patterns. By the way, it would be nice to know what were the incentives of everyone of us to start sewing - what drove us that day when we just took scisors and cut a piece of fabric and tried to make something wearable out of it.
I've heard of the Jalie patterns, but have not tried one yet and like Faye there are a few tops that I would like to try. Sheesh I really didn't know that Jalie went back that far... the late 80s - I was doing more hand sewing back then than machine sewing and was a new mom.
I love finding diamonds in the rough! Look at the girl with the braids. Too cute. You can tell they are 80's patterns. Love it. I think my oldest is also from the 80's, or late 70's. It's a Kwik Sew childs striped tee shirt with the arm and neckline ribbing.
I have never used Jalie patterns; my first experience with patterns other than BWOF or Patrones was last year, when I made my first Vogue (The Galaxy dress). My oldest BWOF is from 1997. Before that time I used to borrow BWOFs from a dressmaker that lived next door. You have quite a collection, I see!
This is a great post thanks
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