Monday 10 October 2011

Pumpkin Patch!

I made these cute Pumpkins for my family.

I normally don't make craft seasonal things but after making
just "one" of these pumpkins, I was hooked.
They are so cute and it was really fun to make them
it was a very quick project.
It felt good starting and finishing a project in one session.

 I just had to make more and share them!

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving week end!


Dr. Fun (AKA Sister) said...

Cool idea - I'm sending this to my sister who loves to decorate for each season!

Sewingadicta said...

So cute! Truly the seasonal decorations are something that is gradually introduced in Spain, Halloween is installed here for some years but not yet Thanksgiving ... so I do not know the true meaning of this holiday ... but I LOVE your wonderful pumpkins!

Anne-Marie said...

This is terribly cute !! Happy Halloween !

Diana said...

hi Ann. These are gorgeous! YOur grandchildren must be growing. I was just in Ottawa visiting my little Riley who is starting to talk in sentences. So much fun.

HeathersSphere said...

Cool project!

Carolyn said...

These are very cute! Your family must love the receiving your creative gifts!
Sorry Ann, I thought I had left a comment on this post earlier, but it seems to have disappeared :(

In answer to your query; cotton is from the cotton plant whereas linen is from flax, and the term "shot" means the warp and weft are of different colours, as pictured above. Shot fabrics are by nature shimmery and ever-changing in their colour, depending on the angle it is viewed...

Carolyn said...

(Sorry, I meant "pictured in my post" hehe. Hope you have a wonderful week! :)