Monday 1 August 2011

I wonder "Why" did 'Dial Textile'.....

.... get rid of  all their Fashion Fabrics?????????

I have been looking forward to shopping at Dial Textile -  for months.

The last time I was at their store was a few years ago ~  and they had the most amazing Fashion fabrics!
They had so many choices of lovely and just gorgeous  fabrics...It was a fabric dream store....and  I did buy some fabric at that time ;)

So when I was in Quebec City this past weekend for a very short stay ~ I had very limited time but I went out of my way to make time 
to stop in ~ and then ~ I was disappointed.

They are mostly a Home Dec fabric store now!?!

There was some fashion fabrics in their lower level..lower level!!.... they had  nother this time that really stood out - nothing like they had before!

I left empty handed!!!   I bought nothing!!!  :(

If you are looking for Home Dec fabrics ~  you are in luck - they have a wide variety of beautiful home dec fabrics! and this would certainly be "the" place to go.


Carolyn said...

How disappointing!! So sad when a wonderful fabric store goes down the home dec or quilting path... :(

Julie Culshaw said...

The only reason can be that fashion fabrics isn't where the money is. That is certainly true for the two fabric stores here in our city - one is mostly home dec and the other is quilting and crafts primarily.
There are fewer and fewer women sewing - with retail clothing priced so cheap, it isn't any wonder.

Sewingadicta said...

I know that feeling .... harboring illusions to find beautiful fabrics in one place and find there the same ... or perhaps remnants of the usual ... fabric stores here have disappeared and only two remain, but every time I go find the same fabrics, once again ... disappointing.

gwensews said...

I hate when that happens, which is far too often. Sigh.

Gay McDonell said...

Seems to be a global story - such a shame!

Anonymous said...

I have heard that Fabricland/Fabricville is going down the same path. Their fashion selections weren't always the best, but it beat having nothing, which is where my mid sized city will be left.