Sunday 14 September 2008

Great reference for Sewing Techniques

Susan from fabricluver posted a link to a very interesting Sewing Techniques reference video on The great coat sew along blog - Thank you so much Susan :) I really enjoyed it. When I first saw it - it reminded me of a great post I read on Tany's blog about thread tracing Part 1, Part 2, Part 3. (Thank you Tany. I hope you don't mind that yet again I link to your blog :) and of course Paco's wonderful Jacket Tailoring Methods tutorial. (Tany's translation).
I wanted to post these on my blog for those not participating in the coat sew along, and also for my future reference. The "Stitching techniques for the Tailored Jacket" are very well done in this video - made by OTIS college on youtube. (It's amazing what you can find there!)
Other videos : "OTIS Fashion Design Department" , Basic Hand Stitching, Invisible Zipper, Lap Zipper, Railroad Zipper.
I think if I was younger and starting out OTIS College might be a great place to attend.
  • Non Sewing: My 16 yr old son was working on a school assigment "all" week end - taking care of a "baby". (A doll that is just like a baby!) For those not familiar with these dolls, the baby acts and sounds just like a real one. It is computerized and programmed to giggle, burp, cry when it is hungry,wet,fussy......... his responses are monitored by the bracelet he has to wear,which he cannot remove. My little Bradley was quite taken by this baby! It was a long week end and long nights for him. (and us-not use to hearing a baby's cry in the house anymore - especially late at night :)

All in all, he handled this assignment really well. We were truly very impressed!

However not a sight I want to see for quite some time :)

Images - Moments in Time


Claire S. said...

You're right - I'm amazed at the sheer volume of stuff you can find on YouTube ! I'll be checking out this video tomorrow after work. It should be coming in handy soon along with the next batch of instructions from Marji.

Why ? because I just posted what I think is my final Muslin post :-) ! man, am I ready to cut that thing apart - it was a loooonnng journey to get this far.

How's your coat coming along ? I saw you'd finished your muslin, (I like the coat pattern you chose) have you cut out the wool yet ?

Vicki said...

What an assignment - one that every teenage girl should have! lol.

BCN - UNIQUE designer patterns said...

Ann .- thank you for your search. The links are too interesting, really. Above all, video on the construction of the jacket. It will be a good complement to my tutorial. Thank you. Hugs, Paco

Tany said...

I must find some time to watch those videos! Thank you for the links!

And what a fun assignment! LOL!

Meg said...

Oh yeah, I so agree this is not a sight we parents of teens want to see anytime soon. I supposed you've seen the recent stats that the US leads the developed world in teens giving birth. Horrors, and how embarrassing for us.

Faye Lewis said...

Great tutorials you posted especially the one on the invisible zipper. I'll be using that one soon.

Mon Café Couture said...

very useful post Ann, thanks. I'm bookmarking. Tany's blog is just a "coffre aux trésors". Will watch those videos on Youtube too.

Diana said...

Ann ,You've certainly left us with a wealth of information which I'll happily watch for the next few days.
I well remember those students and their "babies" in the hall s of Oromocto High when I taught there . A useful learning tool if ever there was one.
Thanks for the comments you left on my blog about my daughter. She left yesterday morning to go back to our nation's capital ,leaving me feeling bereft and childless!

Ann Made Studio said...

Thank you everyone.
*Claire I haven't cut out my fabric yet but I have most of it pinned and ready to cut.
*These tutorials are well done. Some of the stitches are basic but I did find the jacket one very interesting.
*Paco, you are right it would go well with your jacket tutorial :)
*Tany, I beleive you use all these stitches in your everyday sewing:)
Such great skillsto have/use:)
*I think my sons assigment was a great idea. The lesson is priceless!
*Diana, hope to see you on Saturday!

Marji said...

I love those tutorials from Otis College.
And isn't it great, those computerized "babies" are a real eye opener for teens.